Important Tax Info

Important Tax Information that could affect you.

Ohio Revised Code Chapter 718

Due to changes to ORC 718 resulting from the passage of House Bill 5, the following Penalty and Interest rates will be in effect for payments made for the tax year 2016 and subsequent years.

Interest Rates on unpaid Income tax and Withholding.

  • Tax year “2016” 0.42% Monthly Interest Rate 5% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2017” 0.50% Monthly Interest Rate 6% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2018” 0.50% Monthly Interest Rate 6% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2019” 0.58% Monthly Interest Rate 7% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2020” 0.58% Monthly Interest Rate 7% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2021” 0.42% Monthly Interest Rate 5% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2022” 0.42% Monthly Interest Rate 5% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2023” 0.58% Monthly Interest Rate 7% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2024” 0.83% Monthly Interest Rate 10% Yearly Interest Rate
  • Tax year “2025” 0.83% Monthly Interest Rate 10% Yearly Interest Rate


Prior to 2023 tax year, the late filing penalty (includes late tax returns, withholding payments and withholding reconciliations) is $25 per month or fraction thereof; with a maximum of $150 for each failure, plus interest and penalty charges.

After 2023 tax year, late filing fee is $25.00.

Penalty for unpaid or late paid Income tax: 15% per occurrence, plus interest charges.

Penalty for late/unpaid Withholding tax: 50% of the amount not timely paid per occurrence, plus interest charges.

TaxationContact TaxationEmployer Witholding FormsImportant Tax InfoIndividual and Business Returns and FormsTax Code, BolivarTaxpayer Rights & Responsibilites


Bolivar is now accepting cash payments in person only. (not to be dropped off in box)

Village of Bolivar

109 Canal Street
PO Box 117
Bolivar, OH 44612